Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I book?

Whether you book on Airbnb, VRBO, or directly through us, to finalize your reservation you will need to complete and sign a rental agreement by providing your name, address, email, and cell phone number. This is a standard process in the industry. Since we're letting strangers into our home (!), it protects us from criminal activity in our home and allows us to more easily collect for damages when people violate our rules in significant ways.

Once the rental agreement is completed and finalized you will receive more information about the unit that will help make your stay comfortable and likely answer all the questions you have (and even those you didn't know you have).

Then, shortly before your arrival, we send along lock information so you will know how to get in once you've arrived. :)

I'm finding this whole rental agreement thing problematic... what can I do?

Unfortunately, because we have had people smoke in our unit despite the clear nonsmoking rules, bring pets in our unit despite the clear no-pets-allowed rules (which opens us up to potential lawsuits and costs us hundreds of dollars in fines from our HOA in addition to the hundreds of dollars in deep cleaning required afterwards: pet allergies are real), and even have had people destroy our property when they have been under the influence, we no longer play. 
If you plan to follow the rules and treat our home respectfully, then you shouldn't worry about completing and signing it. 

If you're concerned about our use of your name/address/etc. please note: we don't keep it/sell it/etc. (Agreements simply aren't binding without it.) The only information we may use during your stay is your cell phone number in the event of an emergency while you're there.

If you still can't bring yourself to complete the rental agreement, then I'm very sorry; you will need to cancel your reservation as we will not release door lock information to you. 

Why can't I book at Dunes through you?

Great question! Unfortunately, we have a contract with Dunes Village Resort (Myrtle Beach) that requires that all bookings go through them. Honestly, there's no way we could provide the outstanding service they do with the amenities they offer, anyway: you want their reservation service, their towel service, etc. They're pretty great. :) (Really - the place is just SO family friendly!)

What if there's a hurricane during my stay?

Yikes! Great Q! The rental agreement outlines our cancellation policy for this. The bottom line is: we don't want you to stay if there's a hurricane coming (for sure). But as you know, hurricanes are unpredictable and often veer north, south, or weaken into tropical storms (which are just rain and wind). Given that our units are high off the ground, rain isn't a problem; the coast is prepared so don't panic early!

This is all to say - if there's an a hurricane bearing down on the area and you've got a reservation, there's a completely fair cancellation policy! (We're not unreasonable in that sense!). 

View from Our Room in Dunes Village (#446)

Call for the best deals (for real; online isn't always the best). Ask for our room (#446), please! 855-340-7301 Dunes Village Resort